For a world coming out of economic depression, the majestic flying boats symbolized not only elegance and luxury, but adventure and romance to a degree not equaled since. Flying boats Seaplanes and Float planes have captured peoples imagination ever since, they were used in many theatres in WWII and many NZ personnel operated them during this conflict. After the war they were seen in many NZ harbours as passenger aircraft. Very few Aucklanders do not know something about the TEAL services to Sydney or the larger than life Captain Fred Ladd flying the Grumman Widgeons serving the outlying islands in the Gulf. These are amazing aircraft and at Boathouse Collectables we try to source as many variants as possible for your modelling pleasure.
Ever been given or, on a whim, purchased a model kit and then felt daunted about constructing it once you opened the box and saw all the pieces? Are you a person who would love to work with their hands and develop the skills necessary to create beautiful things? We can help with that see this link.